Plant the right tree in the right place. Choose a tree suited for our area, and select a location that receives ample sunlight and offers enough space for its mature canopy. Before digging, ensure it’s not positioned too close to power lines, underground utility lines, or your home. Lastly, avoid planting it too deep!

Ensure Adequate Watering. Trees, like all plants, require consistent watering. In the absence of rain for several weeks, verify that your tree is sufficiently hydrated. Mature trees typically need one inch of water weekly. Newly planted trees demand between 4 to 10 gallons each week during their initial growing seasons.

Mulch. Mulch effectively insulates tree roots, shields them from lawn mower damage, and combats soil dryness. Ensure your tree gains these advantages by removing grass beneath the tree and spreading 2-to-4 inches of mulch. Take care not to cover the base of the trunk.

Prune. Effective trimming enhances the structure of trees and eliminates any deadwood that hinders their growth. Conduct major pruning when the tree is dormant and leafless, if possible. In summer, concentrate on tidying up and removing small, dead, or damaged twigs.

Fertilize. In natural forest environments, organic plant materials contribute to enriching the soil around trees. In contrast, in residential areas, we frequently remove vital nutrients such as leaves and grass clippings. Our organic fertilizers provide an effective solution to this problem. Regular application of a slow-release fertilizer ensures a steady supply of nutrients to the soil. Furthermore, performing routine soil tests can help identify any missing or deficient elements.

Schedule Inspections. As you arrange your annual medical checkup, consider scheduling an evaluation for your tree as well. Early detection of pests or diseases is crucial. Our ISA Certified Arborists® are trained to identify warning signs such as discolored leaves, cankers, and holes. They will then offer a strategic plan to address these issues.
Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can elevate the health and beauty of your trees. With Gregory Forest Lester, Inc., excellence is always in season.