Here are a few ways that trees are able to survive in the cold and winter. Of course, these methods may not be the exact practices that every single tree uses, nor do they ensure 100% that a tree will survive. However, when it comes to resilience, these are huge players.

Mulch Protects Tree Roots in The Winter
Winter mulch can help to reduce winter tree root injury. You’ll want to start by covering the roots of your not-quite-mature tree, especially any newly planted trees or shrubs, with a few inches of shredded mulch. About the width of your hand should do the trick.

Next, you will want to consider what the fall weather has been like in the area
Has it been dry? Make sure to water the soil (and mulch) around your tree before the first frost, so there is not any possibility of frost that would result from dry soil soaking up moisture that hardens into an icy layer once underground.
Hydrate your trees well before the ground freezes.

Wrap Delicate Trees
Tender or young trees may benefit from wrapping with burlap or other protective materials to shield them from harsh winter winds and temperature fluctuations.

Snow Removal
Gently remove heavy snow from tree branches using a broom or similar tool. This prevents the weight of the snow from causing branches to
break, especially on evergreen trees.

Prune your trees in late fall or early winter to remove dead or weak branches.
This helps the tree allocate resources more efficiently and reduces the risk of winter damage.

Regularly inspect your trees during the winter to identify any potential issues.
Early detection of problems allows you to address them before they become severe.